ABC 7 News visited Dr. Sheena Kong’s San Francisco office to produce a story showing how Dr. Kong’s new ”Two In One” Facial Rejuvenation is done. Dr. Kong treated her patient, “Peggy” and the TV story will be seen in late October.
A sagging neck can make anyone look older and tired, and loose skin or wrinkles can make the problem even worse, says Dr. Kong. “Fortunately, our new ‘Two In One’ treatment has been created, which combines the benefits of my Inside-Out Neck Lift™ with Ultherapy, a non-surgical technique that uses focused ultrasound energy to lift, tighten and tone the skin on the face and neck, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The ‘Two In One’ treatment requires no incisions or downtime for the best possible results without surgery.”
The Inside-Out Neck Lift™ is a new minimally invasive way to tighten a sagging neck without a surgical neck lift. Dr. Kong uses a thin fiber-optic laser device to tighten the skin with the patient awake. “I begin the Inside-Out Neck Lift™ by making three tiny entry points, each about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. One entry point is made under the chin and one behind each ear. Under local anesthesia, a thin fiber optic wire is inserted one at a time through the entry points and a laser light is directed to the area to be treated. The energy heats the deeper layer of the skin and precisely melts small amounts of at, prompting new collagen growth and causing noticeable skin tightening,” says Dr. Kong.
“The Inside-Out Neck Lift™ works in just one treatment with minimal bruising, discomfort or downtime,” says Dr. Kong. “The skin will continue to tighten over the next few months as collagen is formed, increasing the effect.”
Ultherapy is a focused ultrasound treatment that stimulates the growth of new collagen deep within the skin. Ultherapy works by sending targeted pulses of ultrasound into the skin. Ultherapy can be used on the brow, chin, neck, and chest areas and like the Inside-Out Neck Lift™ requires just one treatment. Dr. Kong says the results with Ultherapy gradually improve the skin’s tone and appearance over the course of several months.
“When combined in ‘Two In One’ Facial Rejuvenation, these procedures bring beautful, lasting results for a fresher, more youthful look,” says Dr. Kong.
Call (415) 673-7600 and visit for more information.