In the realm of double chin reduction, two treatment options stand out above the rest: the CoolMini, a variation on CoolSculpting technology; and Kybella in San Francisco, an injectable medication that mimics the body's natural process for breaking down and eliminating fat cells. A personal consultation with our experienced physician, Dr. Sheena Kong, can help determine which treatment, or combination of the treatments, could be most effective in improving the appearance a double chin, and restoring a more youthful firm appearance to the area. Visit Dr. Kong's Bay Area medical spa for some of the best results from a non-surgical double chin reduction.
The CoolMini Freezes Fat
CoolSculpting is nonsurgical method of fat removal, and as technology advances, has been adapted to treat certain facial flaws. CoolSculpting takes advantage of the fact that fat freezes at a higher temperature than other body tissues, and uses a precision cooling technology that freezes fat cells, leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. This freezing disrupts the cell wall of the fat cells, so that when the fat thaws again it is released, reabsorbed, and eliminated by the body.
CoolSculpting has been used on the abdomen and thighs for some time, but the CoolMini is a smaller, more precise system that employs the same technology, making it effective for treating the delicate features of the face and jaw. The gently contoured device hugs the double chin, freezing excess fat for a trimmer, tighter appearance.

Kybella: The Fat-Reducing Injection
Injectable fillers to restore lost facial volume are common, but now there's also an injection to reduce fat, rather than replacing it. Kybella is a synthetic form of a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the disposal of excess fat. Once injected, Kybella dissolves the fat cells so that the body's natural system flushes it out over the course of the following days. When injected into the area under the chin, Kybella is very effective in reducing or eliminating the appearance of a double chin. Kybella injections also have the effect of producing new collagen growth, causing the skin to further tighten as the fat dissipates, restoring the chin's smooth, defined, more youthful appearance.
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