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Restylane Family

As we age, the collagen that gives our skin its structure and firm quality gradually decreases, and our facial skin begins to lose elasticity and volume. These factors, combined with the cumulative effects of gravity over time, cause the skin to sag and droop, leaving it with a tired, older appearance. Our San Francisco Restylane family of injectable dermal fillers is designed to imitate the hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the skin, restoring lost volume and reducing the appearance of unsightly wrinkles and lines.

While the basic principles behind all Restylane treatments are similar, different formulas have been developed to more effectively treat specific aesthetic problems.

Injectables With Dr. Sheena Kong

Injectables with Dr. Sheena Kong video

How Long Do Restylane Treatments Take?

Treatment with Restylane is a quick, “lunch hour” procedure. Depending on the number of areas treated, it can take anywhere from approximately 15 to 45 minutes. To optimize results in some cases, a touch-up treatment may be needed approximately two weeks after the initial treatment.

Result Duration

In a clinical study of people treated with Restylane, 95% still showed improvement at 18 months after treatment. Like Juvéderm, Restylane is a cross-linked, hyaluronic acid dermal filler, specially designed to last longer. How long results last with Restylane can depend on several factors, including the site of the injection, how the injection is performed, and how fast your body metabolizes the Restylane filler.

Side Effects with Restylane

Treatment with Restylane in Bay Area has a very low rate of complications. Common symptoms include mild redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, and discomfort at injection sites. These minor side effects tend to resolve within hours or days of treatment.

As Restylane is made of hyaluronic acid, a substance occurring naturally in the body, there is less chance of an allergic reaction than with other fillers. Most patients with allergies to animal products can receive treatment with Restylane. No pre-testing is required.

Am I a Good Candidate for Restylane Injections?

Most women and men can benefit from Restylane injections in the Bay Area, whether they want to add volume to the lips, enhance the contours of the face, or rejuvenate the skin. You may be a good candidate for Restylane treatment if your appearance could be improved by:

  • Enhancing and adding volume to the lips
  • Augmenting the cheeks to create of more youthful, aesthetically pleasing profile
  • Smoothing the appearance of laugh lines, nasolabial folds (from the nose to the mouth corners), and marionette lines (running from the mouth corners along the sides of the chin)
Up close of model's lips

Is There Anyone Who Should Not Use Restylane?

In some rare cases, a person is not a candidate. It is important to review your medical history with your doctor before receiving Restylane treatment. You should not be treated with Restylane injections if:

  • You have severe allergies with a history of anaphylaxis (acute allergic reaction)
  • You have been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder or are prone to bleeding
  • You are allergic to lidocaine (a local anesthetic contained in Restylane)
  • You are allergic to any of the gram-positive bacterial proteins used to make hyaluronic acid. (“Gram-positive” is a broad classification of bacteria based on chemical and physical cell wall properties.)

You should also tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you are prone to keloid or hypertrophic (raised red) scarring, or if you are taking any blood thinners or medications to depress your body’s immune response.

Preparing for Restylane Treatment

For one week before a Restylane treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, and Motrin. Also avoid taking supplements such as vitamin E, gingko biloba, ginseng, anti-aging products, Retin-A, Retinols, Retinoids, and glycolic acid.

What Should I Do or Not Do after Treatment?

There may be mild itching, tenderness, bruising, or swelling immediately after treatment. Avoid scratching, massaging, or touching the treatment area after Restylane treatments at our private Bay Area clinic. Also avoid alcohol and strenuous exercise, which poses the risk of making bruising worse.

Until redness and swelling have subsided, avoid excessive heat and sunlight (sauna, sunbathing, etc.), as well as extreme cold (skiing and winter sports). Laser treatment or a chemical peel before or after treatment with Restylane can create a potential risk of inflammation at the injection sites.

Use ice packs to reduce swelling. Topical applications of Arnica can help alleviate bruising. You may wash with a gentle cleanser and apply sunscreen and makeup after Restylane treatment. Contact us today and schedule a consultation for one of the best treatments of Restylane San Francisco has to offer.

Model holding her face in her hands

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