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When hair begins to thin and the hairline starts to recede, the effects of hair loss can be devastating to a man's confidence and self-image. For many men, the beginnings of hair loss are at odds with the youth and vitality they still feel. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to restore hair and combat the effects of hair loss.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is harvested from the patient's own body, and processed to concentrate the healing platelets, and then reinjected. Wound-healing platelets can be effective in repairing damaged follicles and stimulate the regrowth of hair, or ward off hair loss in men. PRP has been used in wound healing and other medical applications for 20 years, but its use in PRP hair restoration is a more recent medical development. PRP can also be used in conjunction with a nano fat transfer to optimize regeneration.

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Nutrafol Supplements

Nutrafol supplements aren't just vitamins: they're a specially formulated nutraceutical supplement containing 20 unique, botanically-derived ingredients. Taken by mouth, these supplements contain critical nutritional substances that target the causes of hair loss in men before they advance. The formula also rejuvenates the landscape of the scalp, making it a healthier environment for hair growth can occur.

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An easy and convenient to use helmet that operates with just one simple button, Theradome harnesses laser technology to affect hair follicles themselves. The penetrating red light from the 80 different lasers stimulates the mitochondria of damaged or inactive hair follicles, prompting them to become active once more, to restore the body's natural ability to grow hair. It is recommended to use the Theradome in 20-minute increments twice a week. The treatment with this helmet takes place in the privacy of your own home – a big advantage in time and convenience.

Only a licensed medical professional should be contacted to help men treat hair loss, and Dr. Sheena Kong has years of success in anti-aging technologies, treatments, and techniques that are non-invasive and non-surgical.

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Male Hair Restoration San Francisco
Male Hair Restoration San Francisco
Male Hair Restoration San Francisco

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