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Thermage FLX Eyes & Body is the most popular non-surgical option that Dr. Sheena Kong offers her facial rejuvenation patients in San Francisco. Thermage uses radio frequency to non-surgically tighten and lift problem areas of the body. If you're interested in improving your appearance but do not want to commit to surgery, Thermage might be the best solution for your needs. Dr. Kong has produced wonderful results for many patients. Dr. Sheena Kong has the latest technology on Thermage. With Thermage FLX, treatment is comfortable and the result is more skin tightening than the older Thermage system.

What Does Thermage FLX Treat?

Our Thermage FLX San Francisco procedure can be used to treat wrinkles and tighten sagging skin on the face, eyelids, neck, chin, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms.

Patients who have found success with Thermage treatment have noted:

  • Improvement in eyelid sagging
  • Smoother skin
  • Elimination of forehead wrinkles
  • Lifted eyebrows
  • More defined and youthful contours of the cheeks, jawline and neck
  • Tighter skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms or other area of the body
  • Improvement in skin texture and tone

Patient Testimonial

"I went to Dr. Sheena Kong for Thermage skin tightening on my eyes, face and neck. Dr. Kong has the latest Thermage FLX system. The treatment was comfortable even though it was pretty long, about 2.5 hours. My skin glowed after the treatment. I am pretty happy with the result. Now that it has been 8 months after the Thermage, I have been getting lots of compliment on my skin. Thanks to Dr. Kong and her staff for making me young again at age of 69."

A Thermage Treatment Session

During a Bay Area Thermage FLX session, the handpiece emits radio frequency waves to heat the deep layers of the skin in the targeted treatment area. Dr. Kong uses the Thermage FLX device, which has special ‘Comfort Pulse Technology' to prevent the patient from experiencing any discomfort. Heating the deep layers of the skin stimulates the body's existing collagen and promotes the growth of new collagen. The results of Thermage FLX include tighter skin, lifted cheeks and youthful contours of the neck and body.

Benefits of Thermage FLX

Thermage FLX Eyes & Body is non-invasive and does not require any anesthesia, eliminating the risk of anesthesia complications. It is a quick procedure with no downtime. Patients can return to their normal routine immediately.

Dr. Kong can combine Thermage treatment with another facial rejuvenation procedure, such as laser skin resurfacing, intense pulsed light treatments, BOTOX injections or dermal fillers. The combination of treatments maximizes the results.

Thermage FLX Eyelids

For eyelids that have begun to droop and sag due to mild skin laxity, Thermage FLX delivers exceptional results. This system tightens eyelid skin while smoothing texture, and decreasing the appearance of "hooding." It requires only a single treatment with no downtime, and does not involve bruising, swelling, or a long recovery time. This advanced technology can help you turn back the clock, and give you a fresher, more youthful appearance.

Thermage FLX Q&A

Should I Try Thermage?

No matter how young we feel at heart, our skin reveals the passage of years. If you are tired of seeing the signs of age as they begin to appear, you should discuss Thermage treatments with Dr. Kong. Every person seeking an anti-aging treatment must have skin quality and texture evaluated to determine the most effective treatment. The skill of the practitioner is a critical point in achieving the results you envision, and Dr. Kong is recognized for her experience and skill in San Francisco Thermage FLX treatments.

How does Thermage work?

The system uses a controlled radio frequency to heat the collagen under the skin, tightening the fibers, while stimulating new, natural collagen growth. As a non-invasive procedure often used by celebrities, this treatment is available to everyone, and can greatly improve skin elasticity and texture. It works in just one treatment, requires little to no recovery time, and provides natural-looking results. Another advantage – it works on all skin tones.

Contact Us for More Information

If you would like more information about Thermage, please contact Dr. Sheena Kong at her San Francisco med spa and we will be happy to discuss the treatment with you in greater detail. Please call our office at 415-712-0634.

The desire to turn back the clock on aging is nearly universal, but for many, opting for cosmetic surgery can seem a bit extreme. It's an invasive procedure with an extensive recovery or down time, which can cause embarrassment. But, even non-surgical procedures involving filler injections can leave swelling or bruising, and don't last long at all.

That's why Thermage FLX Eyes has become our most popular facial rejuvenation procedure. Quick, easy, and non-invasive, Thermage heats the deepest layers of your skin while cooling the surface layers with Thermage FLX. This unique treatment stimulates collagen production and tightens and smooths the skin.

Thermage FLX requires no anesthesia and the entire treatment takes about 2-4 hours. We can perform Thermage procedures on many areas, including:

  • Faces
  • Eyes
  • Lips
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Buttock
  • Thighs
  • Legs

Come in for a consultation today, and we can discuss if Thermage FLX is the best option for your non-invasive skin rejuvenation plans.

Schedule a consultation today!


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